Leslie Douglas has stumbled across a shocking passage from Phil Temples’ Helltown Chronicles!
Helltown Review in Bizarre Chats Blog
This unsolicited review from fellow writer Michael Housel is appreciated!
Proof Copy Arrives
Galley Proofs Finalized
Huzzah! Big Table Publishing to the Rescue
An Inescapable Truth
I’m come to the inescapable conclusion that Caliburn Press has no intention of honoring the agreement I signed with Damnation Books in August, 2014. In fact, they’ve been in breach of contract for some time. On advice of my attorney, I notified Caliburn this week that I am exercising my right to cancel the agreement. The good news is: another publisher had indicated a willingness to pick up the book! More info to come.
In case anyone is tempted to submit their work to this enterprise, which does business under the following imprints: Eternal Press; Caliburn Young Adult; Damnation Books; Melliferia Press; Siento Sordida Publishing; Spero Publishing; Vollmar Games; you’d be well advised to steer clear of this outfit. See the recent Writers Beware article about Caliburn, at <http://accrispin.blogspot.com/…/small-press-storm-warnings-…>.
Helltown, Ohio: “Rumors of Haunts, Chemical Spills, and Serial Killers”
DuskTilDawn Cover Artwork Sample
Patience, Grasshopper…
“Cuyahoga National Park Catching Up On Repairs”
I hope they don’t fix up things in the park too much! I wouldn’t want the repairs and improvements to detract from the creepy, dilapidated environs that I portray in the story.