My Books Are Now Carried in the Watertown Free Public Library!

Posts pertaining to the anthology “Machine Feelings and Other Stories”
Doug Holder interviews author Phil Temples on the Somerville Community Television series, Writer to Writer, Poet to Poet on July 2, 2019 about his book, “Machine Feelings.”
I’m happy to report the Boston College bookstore has purchased seventy copies of my short story anthology “Machine Feelings” to present to participants in the Boston College Read Aloud Program at their annual celebratory luncheon this week. I’ll be reading and making some brief remarks, as well as signing book copies.
I’m among those invited to read at Gloria Mindock‘s Červená Barva Press at the Arts at the Armory on Wednesday, October 5 at 7 PM. I’ll be reading from my short story anthology “Machine Feelings.” I hope you can attend!
Reading from Machine Feelings at the Newton Writing and Publishing Center in Newton, Massachusetts, June 26, 2016. Photo courtesy John L. Stanizzi.
My publisher reports that all the blurbs for the book cover are in! The next phase will be preparation of the front and back book covers. It shouldn’t be too long, now.
Here’s an excerpt:
“From the tale of a well-dressed android who suddenly discovers his subjective feelings of anger and indignation while fending off a human attacker, to the story of a junior faculty member who conducts Schrodinger’s experiment, only to discover the dual nature of his own mortality, the deft and compact stories contained in Phillip Temples’ newest collection reveal the quirky and unexpected reality that lies just beneath the surface of everyday appearances…”
–Brad Ray, “Pink X-Ray”