My Books Are Now Carried in the Watertown Free Public Library!

Posts pertaining to the scientific murder-mystery and sequel to The Winship Affair: “The Allston Variant”
I just received an email from my publisher, Moonshine Cove Publishing. Royalties for print and e-book sales of The Allston Variant in 2019 earned me a whopping $14.87. Huzzah! 😉
A thumbnail image of the front cover of The Allston Variant now graces the home page of the Mystery Writers of America New England Chapter‘s web site!
BC Bookmarks (“literary news from the Boston College community”) features a review today on my new book, The Allston Variant.
Here’s a great photo of my “co-author” and spouse, Barb Ariel Cohen, at the Allston Variant book launch. I say “co-author” in quotes because Ariel didn’t want to be listed as such even though she contributed extensively to the scientific portion of the plot. (Photo courtesy Ken Porter.)
From my good friend, Rick Sanger, who attended Saturday’s book launch at New England Mobile Book Fair: