“Castor and Pollux Raise a Little Cain” Publication is Near

I’ve decided to publish my story anthology of whimsical micro and flash fiction, Castor and Pollux Raise a Little Cain, using Kindle Direct Publishing. I’ve never used KDP before, so it will be an interesting experiment.

The manuscript was originally accepted by Červená Barva Press in early 2023, but a personal tragedy in the publisher’s family has significantly delayed publication of acceptances for the foreseeable future. [Gloria: I’m wishing Bill all the best for a full and speedy recovery!]

Susanne Riette, a wonderful artist who is married to my friend, Michael C. Keith, has granted me permission to use one of her amazing abstract paintings for my front cover. Thank you, Susanne!

Castor and Pollux covers

“Castor and Pollux Raise a Little Cain” Accepted by Červená Barva Press

I’m pleased to report that a highly respected local indie publisher, Červená Barva Press, has accepted my short story anthology “Castor and Pollux Raise a Little Cain.”

From Poets and Writers: “Červená Barva Press was founded in April of 2005. The press solicits poetry, fiction, translations from various writers around the world, and holds open contests regularly for its chapbooks, postcards, broadsides and full-length books. We publish writers who have a strong voice and who take risks with language.”