“You’re Evil”
“Words to the Wise”
Still Waiting
Why Didn’t I Think of That?
After the Send
“Lie vs. Lay”
“From Submission to Rejection in Five Minutes”
“Message to Publisher”
From Michael C. Keith’s post to the Bagel Bards list:
Message to Publisher
Dear Sir or Madam,
I’m told by a writer-friend you are not accepting unsolicited manuscripts. However, I thought you might make an exception in my case, since I have recently published a story in a noted webzine, which you may have read with enthusiasm.
Please see my attached manuscript (482 pages single-spaced––assume Ayuthaya font is fine). I eagerly await your decision (asap, please) and believe you will find what I’ve sent well worth your time and attention.
Calvin (not Cal)
P.S. I only expect a modest advance since this is my first full-length work.