My 590-word flash horror story, “The White Nothing” was just accepted for publication by “Darkness Within” e-zine. Yay.
“Friday Night”
“The FictionPool” has accepted my short experimental poem Friday Night for publication sometime in December, 2016.
“The Blessed Virgin”
For your reading amusement–this humorous little tale entitled “The Blessed Virgin” I wrote that appeared today on Fiction On The Web.
Duotrope: An Invaluable Resource
Today marks my 1000th Duotrope story entry. I logged my first transaction on Dec. 11, 2011. Over the past five years, I’ve logged submissions to 367 different markets. Thus far I have had 127 out of a total of 141 accepted for publication–both in print and online. Two submissions were full-length novels, one was a novella, and another was a story anthology; the remainder were short stories and flash fiction. As a writer, I’ve found Duotrope to be an invaluable resource.
“Thirsty Horse”
“Those Two Legs”
“The Final Solution”
“The First Plague”
The Machinery, an online literary collection of poetry, fiction, and art has accepted my absurdist fictional piece called “The First Plague” for publication in the near future.
Indiana Voice Journal has accepted my short fictional piece “Filings” for inclusion in its May issue.