The online literary magazine Front Porch Review has accepted my black and white photograph Power for publication in the July timeframe.
According to the magazine’s founder, Glen Phillips, “Whatever its form, a front porch is where we, young and old, congregate; where we assemble, gather, mingle, congeal, where we get together. And once we’re there we speculate, pontificate, prevaricate, and expostulate; occasionally we speak words of universal truth.”
My flash piece On Schedule has been published in Half Hour to Kill, “a literary website publishing authors of Flash Fiction and Short Stories in the genres of Fantasy, Horror and Noir.”
I can assure you—you won’t waste a half hour reading my story; perhaps just two minutes at most!
I’m pleased to report that a highly respected local indie publisher, Červená Barva Press, has accepted my short story anthology “Castor and Pollux Raise a Little Cain.”
From Poets and Writers: “Červená Barva Press was founded in April of 2005. The press solicits poetry, fiction, translations from various writers around the world, and holds open contests regularly for its chapbooks, postcards, broadsides and full-length books. We publish writers who have a strong voice and who take risks with language.”
I was interviewed this past week by Brooke, one of the members of the BC Arts Council, for inclusion in a “Visual Arts Podcast” to be aired in conjunction with the Boston College Arts Festival, April 27-29, 2023.
About the Arts Festival:
“Annually on the last weekend in April, the Boston College Arts Festival brings the Boston College and surrounding communities together to celebrate the arts. From April 27-29, 2023, the 25th annual Arts Festival will once again invite the community to experience the variety of arts at Boston College!
“With over 16,000 visitors from Boston College and the surrounding community coming in attendance, the Arts Festival never fails to be one of the most vibrant and exciting events at Boston College. Students have the added bonus of relieving end-of-semester stress, while members of the surrounding communities are given the opportunity to delight in all forms of art, from the laugh-out-loud humor offered by comedy groups, to the transcendent beauty of the many dance ensembles, to the boldness of the studio art students’ work.
“Highlighted at the spring’s festival are the ‘BC’s Best’ competition, an Art Walk, and Dancing with bOp!. Other annual features include children’s activities, literary readings, alumni events, student art work for sale, multi-cultural dance performances, and expanded hours at the McMullen Museum. Special guests at the festival have included Tracey Wigfield ’05, Nick Scandalios ’89, Chris Doyle ’81, Anne Garefino ’81, Robert Polito ’73, Chuck Hogan ’89 and Amy Poehler ’93.”
I will have three of my black-and-white photographs on display at the event.
“Still Point Arts Quarterly is a truly beautiful and engaging art and literary journal. Produced four times a year, each issue focuses on a theme and features historical and contemporary art, fiction, non-fiction, and poetry. The Quarterly has been praised for its rich content as well as its splendid layout and design.”
From Michael C. Keith’s post to the Bagel Bards list:
Message to Publisher
Dear Sir or Madam,
I’m told by a writer-friend you are not accepting unsolicited manuscripts. However, I thought you might make an exception in my case, since I have recently published a story in a noted webzine, which you may have read with enthusiasm.
Please see my attached manuscript (482 pages single-spaced––assume Ayuthaya font is fine). I eagerly await your decision (asap, please) and believe you will find what I’ve sent well worth your time and attention.
Calvin (not Cal)
P.S. I only expect a modest advance since this is my first full-length work.