The online ‘zine Scribes*MICRO*Fiction has accepted my micro story “Earworm” for publication in Issue #20 on August 15, 2022.
“Sit a Spell” Accepted by Star 82 Review

Star 82 Review, “an art and literature, online and print magazine that highlights words and images in gemlike forms,” has accepted my stark black & white photograph entitled “Sit a Spell” for publication in its 10.3 issue, due out in mid- to late-September, 2022.
Photo Gallery Display at Work
“Blue” Accepted by CafeLit
The U.K. literary magazine CafeLit has accepted my flash story entitled “Blue” for publication.
“Rikki Don’t Lose That Number” Accepted by “100 Word Project”
The 100 Word Project, a microfiction litmag, has accepted my story “Rikki Don’t Lose That Number” for publication in its second issue.
[August 17, 2022—Issue #2 including my story, “Rikki Don’ t Lose That Number,” was just published.]
“433” Accepts Ten of My Photographs

Four Thirty-Three has accepted ten of my black & white photographs. Billing itself as “a magazine of art, literature and politics”, 433 “began as a running collection of ‘moments of silence’ from various places around the world, experienced in isolation, in the midst of a pandemic.”
I’m excited that they have selected a large number of my pieces simultaneously!
“Exposed Brick” to Appear in The Mayberry Review
The Mayberry Review, “A literary magazine dedicated to publishing and broadening the horizons of writers young and old,” has accepted my color photograph “Exposed Brick” for inclusion in its debut issue!
“Cycle of Life” Accepted by Alien Buddha
The online ‘zine Alien Buddha Press has accepted my flash fiction story “Cycle of Life” for publication in its October issue.
“A Rocky Marriage” Accepted by “Granfalloon”
The speculative fiction ‘zine Granfalloon has accepted my flash story “A Rocky Marriage” for its upcoming fall issue.
“Rebound” Accepted in Yellow Mama
The webzine Yellow Mama just accepted my short story, “Rebound,” for publication in its Halloween (#94 – Oct. 15th) issue. Yellow Mama seeks “cutting edge, hardboiled, horror, literary, noir, psychological/horror.”