Latest Wilderness House Literary Review Online Features Seven of My B&W Photos
The latest issue of Wilderness House Literary Review features seven of my black & white photographs!
“Fixer Upper” to Appear in The Lumiere Review
The Lumiere Review has accepted my photograph “Fixer Upper” for its September 2022 issue!
“Revenge is a Dish Best Served Cold” Accepted by “The Chamber Magazine”
The Chamber Magazine (“Contemporary Dark Fiction and Poetry”) has accepted my micro story, “Revenge is a Dish Best Served Cold,” for inclusion on its website.
“America Runs On Dunkin” Accepted by 101 Words
101 Words has accepted my future dystopian story, “America Runs On Dunkin,” for publication on their site. As the name implies, my story is exactly 101 words long.
“America Vet Fading” to Appear in Wrongdoing Magazine
Wrongdoing, a classy new Canadian literary magazine (“We’ll take the dark, the sacrilegious, and all of that good stuff that opens mouths and wounds”) has accepted my color photograph entitled “America Vet Fading” for publication in its Fall 2022 issue.
“Murder on the Eighty-Six” Published

Everything is Flash Fiction
“Waves” Accepted by “Variety Pack”
My black and white photograph “Waves” was accepted for publication by Variety Pack, a literary journal based out of Buffalo, NY.
“Amicable” Accepted by The Drabble
The online journal The Drabble has accepted my micro story “Amicable.”