“Luck: Stories” by Ed Meeks

Luck: StoriesZvi Sesling writes on the Bagel Bards mailing list:

Ed Meeks’ short story book “Luck: Stories” was the first book of stories (not flash or micro) I’d read in a long time. Since then I’ve read a number of short story books and then re-read Ed’s which is thoroughly enjoyable and as good as anyone’s.  I recommend it highly. I have also enjoyed immensely Rob Dinsmoor’s  and Gregory Wolos’ short fiction.  Add to that Michael C. Keith‘s numerous flash/micro books and memoir and finally Phil Temples’ novels and his flash book and you have a collection of writing to keep you entertained in the house, on the beach, in the backyard or on an airplane or cruise.  And they’re all Bards!   Finally, Renuka Raghavan’s new book is out soon from Cervena Barva.   Enjoy them all !
