Dubbed “Master of the Art of Abbreviation,” Michael C. Keith has produced a stellar collection of micro stories in his new book, Insomnia 11 available for pre-order from Mad Hat Press.
Mixed Upbringing
Thanks from Bowen University in Nigeria
I received this very nice thank you note from Bowen University in Nigeria for helping Kwasi Sarkodie-Mensah to collect computer science and other textbooks for its library in 2015.
Have a Virtual Bagel on Us
“Grammar Haiku”
Reading at Bow Market Book Fair
I’ll be reading some of my micro fiction at the Bow Market Book Fair this weekend.

Doug Holder Interviews Poet Christopher Reilley
My good friend, Christopher Reilley, was interviewed recently on Doug Holder’s Somerville TV show, Poet to Poet.
Here’s to Old Friends
A good crew was on hand Sunday, February 23, 2020, at New England Mobile Book Fair in Newton Upper Falls to welcome back an old friend, Robin Stratton (front, center) of Big Table Publishing and Boston Literary Magazine. Robin now lives in San Francisco, but she’s in town for a few days visiting family.
Standing directly behind Robin is NEMBF owner Tom Lyons.