“Sheba” Accepted by CommuterLit
The ezine CommuterLit, “focusing on works of fiction or poetry that can be enjoyed during a 20- to 30-minute public-transit commute to work,” has accepted my flash fiction story “Sheba” for publication sometime during November 7-11, 2022.
Artwork on Display at Art Club Boston College!

The Art Club Boston College student organization is hosting an art show during the month of November in Carney Hall. Artwork produced by faculty, staff and students will be on display. The club is hosting a reception on opening night (tonight, November 1) in Gallery 203 at 7:30 PM.
“Repent, Sinners” Accepted by 365tomorrows
The webzine 365tomorrows has accepted my micro story, Repent, Sinners for posting today.
“Filing System” Accepted by Cheat River Review
My color photograph “Filing System” was accepted for publication in an upcoming issue of Cheat River Review.
What is a Contronym?
“Rebound” Published in Yellow Mama #94
The webzine Yellow Mama has published my short story, “Rebound,” in its Halloween issue #94. Yellow Mama seeks “cutting edge, hardboiled, horror, literary, noir, psychological/horror.”
“Abandoned Industry” Photos Accepted by “Doublespeak Magazine”
UPDATE: the photos have just been published and can be viewed at: https://dsmag.in/2022/09/28/phil-temples-mini-album-abandoned-industry/.

The market Doublespeak Magazine has accepted several of my color photographs from my “Abandoned Industry” collection.
I took these photographs while trespassing on the property of an abandoned stone cutting company in March, 2005 near Bloomington, Indiana. They were shot using an inexpensive Canon PowerShot G2 camera.
Doublespeak Magazine “[…] provides a space for images, photographs to be precise, where one can express the abstraction through a process of mere documentation.”
“Alibi” Accepted by Better Than Starbucks
The poetry and fiction journal Better Than Starbucks has accepted my micro story “Alibi” for its October issue.
“Writer’s Block” Accepted by 10 By 10 Flash Fiction
Ten By Ten Flash Fiction has accepted my micro story “Writer’s Block” for publication in a future issue.