The World of Myth has accepted my micro story “Her Presence” for their September 2022 issue.
“Bad Luck” Accepted by The Drabble
My micro story Bad Luck has been accepted in The Drabble, “a site dedicated to publishing original fiction, non-fiction, and poetic works of 100 words or fewer.”
F-Bomb Reading, September 9, 2022
“Scruffy” Accepted by Wilderness House Literary Review
Wilderness House Literary Review has accepted my flash story “Scruffy” for publication on October 1, 2022.
“Long Delayed Echo” Accepted by 365 Tomorrows
My flash story “Long Delayed Echo” appears today in 365 Tomorrows.
“Wishing Well” Accepted by Blink Ink
My 50-word micro story entitled “Wishing Well” will appear in the December 1st issue of Blink-Ink.
Blink-Ink is “Home to the finest in contemporary 50 word fiction. Archived in the Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library at Yale University, Blink-Ink is a quarterly print journal publishing the best in stories of approximately 50 words since 2009.”
“Profit and Loss” Accepted by “The Fear of Monkeys”
The Fear of Monkeys, an “E-Zine that features politically conscious writing” has accepted my micro story entitled “Profit and Loss” for its Spring 2023 issue.
“Fight Night” Accepted by Bewildering Stories
Bewildering Stories, a webzine devoted to speculative and experimental writing, has accepted my short story entitled “Fight Night” for publication.
“Them Bones” Accepted by “101 Words”
My micro story “Them Bones” has been accepted by the online journal 101 Words which bills itself as “… a comprehensive ecosystem and community that can support writers, editors, and readers…”
“Reaper” Accepted by Potato Soup Journal
“Humans are storytellers and we all have a story to share. We can’t say we understand all of them, but that’s okay.” —Potato Soup
The online journal Potato Soup has accepted my short story entitled “Reaper.” Its slated to appear in the September 5 issue.